Monday, December 14, 2009

Roger Sanchez @ Monarchy

It was my first time making it up to West Palm Beach and the club Monarchy on Clematis. The place was packed and Roger Sanchez kept the energy up. It was good to get a chance to shoot at a new club. For a full gallery of the night go on over to

Wednesday, December 9, 2009


These images were shot at the building Icon in Miami Beach. We had originally planned on shooting at a friends condo on the beach, but I really liked Kim's condo and due to a time crunch decided to shoot at the building. I chose the white dress from her closet and she took care of the rest.


These were shot downstairs in what you could call the "library". It was pretty much a walk through room that as we walked through I decided to shoot in. These are actually shot at 1600 ISO with a ltitle bit of fill flash.


Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Buzz Bakesale 09

It was a long 12 hour day of shooting. With the majority of the bands going on in daylight and without stage setups, it would be the action and emotion of the acts that would make great photos and not cool concert lights and effects. The crowd in attendance was really young and brought back my memories of when I was in high school and went to the radio shows of the day and let loose in the pit. It put me off a little bit though when I saw 15 year old girls smoking cigarettes.

My two favorite sets of the day had to be Metric and Cage The Elephant. They both made for great shots. Cage The Elephant's lead singer, Matt Shultz, was spastic and even jumped into the crowd for a bit.
Here my favorite shots from the day. Check out the rest of the pictures from the day here.

30 Seconds To Mars



The Used


Panic At The Disco

Cage The Elephant

Our Lady Peace


Sick Puppies

Manchester Orchestra

Say Anything


After Midnight Project


Sunday, December 6, 2009

311 and State Radio at Bayfront Park

 I was unaware that State Radio would be opening up for 311 and was stoked when I found out. I am a fan of the lead singer's former band, Dispatch, and also enjoy State Radio's music. The lighting wasn't great, but we were allowed to shoot 20 minutes of their set which helped.

Every so often State Radio would come together around the drummer and I was just waiting to get a killer action shot. I snapped the shutter at the decisive moment as the drummer had his hands up and the lead singer on the right had his knee all the way up ready to spin. 


The lead singer had an interesting metal box guitar.

 The drummer was close enough to the pit for me to get some good shots with my 24-70mm lens.

I've seen 311 a few times and have always enjoyed their show. They are great to photograph, but a great close up photo of SA eludes me. He is always bouncing around the stage and doesn't stop moving. Nick, the lead singer, got the spotlight over SA for the majority of the 3 songs.


Monday, November 30, 2009

Dubfire and Apollo V @ Gryphon

     I had been looking forward to this night for a while. Dubfire's tracks and mixes have been on my playlist for a while now. Even better, my friend Apollo V got the slot for the opener. I've shot Gryphon plenty of times and continue to try different ideas and get better shots.
    My goal for this night was to get some killer shots using blue and red gelled flashes on opposite sides of the DJ. Using my pocketwizards, I could trigger them from anywhere in the club. Freezing the DJ with my flash, I then dragged the shutter to bring out the rest of the club. Those without the blue and red flash are shot with a similar concept using on camera flash directed towards the DJ.

I love Dubfire's style and he had the club moving. I had to tell myself to stand still while taking long exposure.

 I would of liked to of shot more of Dubfire with colored flash, but the DJ booth was packed and this limited my angles.

Dubfire and Apollo V

A few crowd shots from the night