Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Staying Creative

This past week was a slow week with out many photos being taken. I get a little antsy when I don't have any photos to edit or projects going on. Sometimes it's in these situations where I'll take a simple artsy photo that I've taken recently and see what I can create. I'll start of with the photo and play around with it in Lightroom and try out different presets. I might lose interest in the photo or bring it into to Photoshop and see what else I can create. Like a painter contemplating his next move, I'll sometimes view the image for an extended period of time and just think about it. Unlike a painter, I can try as many different things as I want! I am big fan of interesting geometry and perspective so that is what I went after here with this example.

The location. I was actually scouting for a future shoot

The unedited image

The two edited images I brought into Photoshop. The poles reminded me of matches or pool sticks

The final creation "Sticks Inside"

I love art that is printed HUGE. Here is another image I put together from the past that is a composite and would look great printed huge.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

The Daily Habit


With today's media world there are so many sources of information on whatever topic you so desire. Websites and blogs are my main source of information on the industry of photography. Others have asked me before about what outlets I follow so I've decided to compile a list. I recommend subscribing to blogs by email if possible. I receive emails on my phone and can go through posts while I am out and about.

Industry News

PDN- Photo District News - PDN is the leading photography industry magazine. They are well connected with inside interviews and surveys of the industry. They offer a subscription along with their print magazine.
ASMP Florida - ASMP's South Florida chapter's blog. 

A Photo Editor - Former photo director Rob Haggart does a great job of aggregating all sorts of news and information in the publishing industry on his blog. The particular series, Ask Anything, gives a lot of great insight into the publishing world through Art Buyers Amanda Sosa Stone and Suzanne Sease with help from their friends.

Wonderful Machine - Wonderful Machine represents photographers all around the world. Their blog consists of some of their photographers work and also great informational posts on the details of how they bid they're jobs or events they attend.

Bernstein & Andriulli - B & A is a creative artist management agency. It's good to see what other artists are producing around the world.

Photographer's Blogs

Joe McNally - McNally's blog is a real gem with posts on all sorts of lighting situations. He is constantly on the road teaching and posts photos from his lighting seminars. A champion of off camera flash, this guys has photographed everything. 

Chase Jarvis - Jarvis is everywhere on the web and now even more with his Creative LIVE sessions. His blog is more focused around inspiration and promoting creativity with his work sprinkled in.

Carlos Baez- A great wedding and fashion photographer in the Miami area. He has been a guest speaker in one of my classes and I have had the chance to assist with him.

Ryan Brenizer - My favorite wedding photographer. He's creates amazing composites with shallow depth of field that are just awesome.

Robert Seale - Seale is out of Houston. He has great lighting and is also generous with his explanation of his set ups. 

Stephen Poff - I was originally introduced to Poff from his 365 self portrait project on Flickr. He's really creative and will explain his dramatic lighting set ups on his blog.

Finn O'Harra - A Toronto based photographer. He has a really clean aesthetic. I think it's interesting to see what photographers out of the country are doing. Check out his big production shoot with the Toronto Maple Leafs.

The Selby - Clean, bright, environmental portraits.

Steve McCurry- COLOR. McCurry's photos are the best example of kodachrome film. He was actually given the last roll ever produced.  A celebrated photojournalist, his most famous image is of the Afghan Girl that was on the cover of National Geographic.

World Redeye - I have photographed for Seth Browarnik on and off for a few years now. Him and his team cover Miami and South Beach.


NY Times Lens Blog- New York Times photographers. 'Nuff said.

Broward Palm Beach New Times- One of the publications I shoot for. Good to keep up on the local happenings.

Educational Blogs

Strobist - Strobist was my introduction to lighting with off camera flash. Along with David Hobby's regular post, the site has a great Lighting 101

dpBestFlow - ASMP's informational blog on Digital Asset Management.
A Photo Assistant - Freelance photo assistant Tim Olsen's blog with advice and information on assisting.

ASMP Strictly Business - They say having a successful photography career is a whole lot more about business then taking pictures. ASMP's business blog is a great way to stay up to date. 

 Design Instruct - Design Instruct is not directly related to photography, but has a lot of great tutorials on Photoshop, design and web.

The Photoletariat - The Photoletariat contains "how to's" and "10 best" types of posts.


Skope - A national website out of Boston that I work for time to time

Rcrd LBL - Good source of up and coming artists and free downloads.

Spin - They've been around forever and have done a good job with their website.

Culture Climax - A friends blog out of Orlando. 

Any other recommendations? I will contribute more to this post as I add more to my daily habit.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Drake with Tyga for Lightdreams and Nightmares Tour at James L Knight Center 9-21-2010

Drake is on fire right now and is on top of the rap game. It wasn't your typical rap concert crowd though. The crowd was 75% female and the screams were evidence. It was my first time shooting at the James L Knight center in downtown Miami and the lighting was pretty decent. I did think Drake's overall stage set up was a bit lack luster. Here are the best images from the night.

Opener Tyga

Monday, October 11, 2010

Deftones with Baroness at The Miami Filmore 8-25-2010

The Deftones album White Pony was a favorite of mine during high school. They haven't toured in forever and it was great to finally get a chance to see them live, let alone photograph them. I actually stayed till the end for this show. I did have to delay these photos till their publication in SFL Music Magazine.


Opening band Baroness rocked it at Bonnaroo and continued their showmanship for their opening set.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Environmental Portrait: Cesar

Cesar is a friend from school and fellow photographer. I was putzing around on Facebook as I tend to do sometimes when I'm bored and came across this photo Cesar took of his room.

I've been interested in photographing some new environmental portraits and thought his room would be a great setting. The walls are his progressive canvas for phrases and photographs including some of his work. . My goal was to keep the lighting consistent with the mood of the room. The light on the right is coming from the one window of the room. For the most part I incorporated the window light and added some pop to light Cesar. I feel like the first image captures Cesar and his room the best. What's your favorite?

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Mom's Backyard

My mom recently moved from the house I grew up in and my family wanted to have some photos to look back on. The house has a huge deck and is located at the edge of the lake. I remember the time when.....

The View

More then once have I jumped off the roof into the pool

The reeds that surround the lake near my house.