Saturday, September 25, 2010

Grassy Waters

I am exploring the possibility of putting together a photojournalism project on green initiatives in South Florida. On a friends suggestion, I headed up to the Grassy Waters Preserve area in North Palm Beach. It is a the water catchment area for West Palm Beach. Unfortunately by the time I arrived around 4:30 the main preserve location with boardwalks was closing. I ended up walking around some nature trails in the area by the Solid Waste Authority. Overall the trip was lackluster with the trails I traveled not as promising as the main Grassy Waters Preserve. Here is a composite I put together. When I photographed the original photo with the birds swarming I got the feeling of what the composite is.

My Original

The sky that I added

Stormy at the Sea

The Nuclear Silo that I added

Trojan Nuclear Plant at Ranier on the Columbia River. Built by the Portland General Electric Company Under an Aec Permit, the Project Has Met Stiff Opposition From Environmentalists and Others 05/1973

Old film texture overlay

I really wanted to get a great sunset image of the everglades, but there just wasn't a good view in the area. Here are some more artistic images I took while walking around. They are not in the direction of the subject of "Green Initiatives" at all. It's back to the drawing board.

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