Saturday, August 20, 2011

Bonnaroo 2011

Manchester, TN- Here's some of what I wrote for an article:

"It was summertime in Manchester, Tennessee and the skies were their signature blue and were dominated by the brutal sun. The campgrounds were treacherous with dust in the air and the occasional horse droppings.

The landscape of Bonnaroo is truly unique. The farm’s grass, the trees, the various tents and attractions. The cast of characters of Bonnaroo will amuse you. There are crazy hats, hilarious signs and an enthusiasm for the festival that carries it though."

I was walking across one of the fields to go from one tent to another when this guy caught my eye. 

I have a photograph of him from Bonnaroo in 2008 that's in my portfolio. I recognized him by the cross on his forearm, among other things. When I first met him he literally just sat in the same place, frozen in his own little world, for quite a while. Let's just say this time he wasn't exactly alert. 

My com padres 

Of course one needs refreshments when its almost 100 degrees out. 

Originally I wasn't that stoked about my photos from Bonnaroo. I was bummed that I did not have access to the photo pits this year and actually didn't photograph that much. That's kind of what has kept me from posting these photos for a while.What I did shoot was more from the perspective of a normal festival attendee.   Looking back on them now, with a lot of time in between, I think the final edit does portray what I wanted. As I look at these photos the feeling of oppressive heat and being really dirty comes back to me. Still, I can't wait for next year.

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