Friday, September 18, 2009

Creed, Staind, and Lo-Pro at Cruzan Ampitheatre

I have always been a fan of Creed. Their album "My Own Prison" was great. I'm not a big fan of some of their later material, but I have always been impressed by them in concert. They are one of the best sounding live bands I have heard. Some of my friends disagree. It seems the backlash from their earlier days lives on.

For the whole night photographers were restricted to the right of the center walkway which Scott Stapp made his way out on a few times.

Creed had some explosive pyrotechnics going off during their first song. Unfortunately I did not get anything I liked with flames in the background, but did get this shot of Mark Tremonti shredding with the explosion behind him. 

Check out more photos from Creed and the rest of the show

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