Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Pretty Lights with Mike Menert & Paper Diamonds at Miami Fillmore 3-24-2011

Miami Beach, FL- I recently got into Pretty Lights after a friend suggested I check out his music. You can actually download the Pretty Lights album at his site for free. He definitely justified his name, with an elaborate stage set up with lights and effects galore. These set ups aren't necessarily awesome for photos. You are basically photographing a light straight on with all sorts of flare and blown out highlights. I always aim for the few frames where there is just enough light on the performer to match with the surrounding lighting. The full color light creates some interesting effects too. Usually it is the first three songs and you are out of there at the Miami Fillmore, but due to the DJ aspect of the show, we were able to roam after the first three. I've always wanted to do more of a crowd/balcony shot at the venue so I took full advantage.

Mike Menert

Paper Diamonds

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