Wednesday, February 17, 2010

State Radio and Big D and the Kids Table at Culture Room

I got the chance to shoot State Radio with 311 a few months ago and was impressed by State Radio's performance. I made a decision a while back to stop shooting shows at Culture Room unless I liked the band and this night made me realize why. The venue is set up to have decent lighting but the set of lights that would add the front light that would make it all come together are NEVER used.  The only front light is provided by two small spotlights on each side. My method for shooting this show was to be more observant and try and catch the moments where the spotlights did illuminate the subject. To give you an idea of the lighting, I shot the show entirely at 3200 ISO and around 1/100 of a sec.

Big D and the Kids Table put on a fun show and had quite foxy back up singers. State Radio, not as animated as the last show I saw of them, again impressed me with their performance.

State Radio and Big D and the Kids Table at Culture Room 2-10-10 - Images by Alex Markow

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